An experiment in microSaaSes
It’s about time I start doing things for myself. I hope they pan out.

Two days ago I wrote a post about launching my project tomorrow. It wasn’t some idle theory; most of the thoughts behind it were personal experiences. I also wrote one yesterday about getting shit done.
These two tie in together nicely with today’s post – which is late again, by the way, apologies for that, – as I spent a significant amount of time and effort getting in touch with a bunch of people, reading a lot of articles so that I can get to a point with a few of my ideas where I can say:
“Hello, look at this, I made this, and if you find it useful, here’s where you can give me money for you to use it too!”
I’m both excited about and dreading some of the challenges that are coming my way. How much is it all going to cost in legal fees? How much negotiation do I need to do with my day job so that I can actually launch it and not get in trouble due to the conflict of interest and other policies I signed when I got hired? Will I have time? How will this impact my free time?
I have systems set up for some of these, but for the most part I’m not ready to talk about them either because it would violate some contractual agreement I have, or because the idea is not fully fleshed out yet, and I don’t want to cement myself into a particular avenue.
I think I reached the point where the pain of not launching is bigger than the pain of going through the necessary steps. I’ll look back on this post in a year or two and see whether it was worth doing the things.
Photo by Kind and Curious on Unsplash