I saw the Northern Lights!

I saw the Northern Lights in the UK on 10th May 2024. Here are some pictures I took with my phone.

Faint green and purple Northern Light streaks in the night sky.

It’s 11th May 2024. I’m in the UK. Your feed is probably full of UK people posting a million pictures they took of the Northern Lights last night. I’m going to add mine, because honestly, it was AMAZING! Hats off to Sam who reminded me to go out and look up. Without him I wouldn’t have realised that the lights would be visible this far south. For reference, I’m on 51.89° North.

All images were taken with my Pixel 6 Pro, freehand, night sight, usually 5 or 6 second exposure.

Enjoy the images!

Suburb during night with the northern lights visible in green and purple.
Taken from my bedroom window.

Garage and neighbour’s house with blue and purple Northern Lights in the night sky.
Taken from my garden.

Garage and neighbour’s house with green and pink Northern Lights.
Taken from garden.

Tip of garage and neighbour’s roofs with green and purple Northern Lights.
Taken from garden.

Suburb at night with Northern Lights above as purple streaks in front of stars.
Taken from the middle of a field in a park. I tried to be as far from other lights as possible.

Night sky only with the Big Dipper in the middle with purple Northern Lights.
Taken from the middle of a park. I love the Big Dipper here.

Suburb with Moon just over the horizon with purple and green Northern Lights.
Taken from the field.
All images are mine, you do not have the right to reuse them.

Header image is also one I took.